Why is it better to choose a company which has a good company profile and rich marketing history?

While choosing a company for Pharma PCD, it most important that the company has a rich profile and also a good marketing history. Easier to introduce a company to a doctor: A doctor’s reputation is reliant on the medicines he prescribes. When the doctor evaluates a company, he would be happy to know that the […]

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Non-Availability of stocks is Marketing Suicide for PCD Pharma Operations:

In the entire operations of a Pharma PCD marketing the most difficult process is convincing the doctors to write your brand of medicines.  This is because of the high amount of competition in pharma marketing. Many old companies have very old and strong relationships with doctors.  And many new pharma franchise companies have strong tie […]

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Why getting your own license to do pharma-franchise is better than working on a stockiest license?

When you want to start your own Pharma Franchise business, the required documents include a Wholesale drug license copy and CST/VAT and Tin Number copy. One can either apply for his own license or can use a stockiest license to start PCD pharma business. Applying for a wholesale drug license requires a lot of initial […]

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