Marketing in a small area near your home can lead better results that marketing in a larger area of 2-3 districts. When doing PCD Pharma marketing it is essential to decide the area in which you are going to do your marketing. This is much different that marketing during the MR job as that time […]
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Non-Availability of stocks is Marketing Suicide for PCD Pharma Operations:
In the entire operations of a Pharma PCD marketing the most difficult process is convincing the doctors to write your brand of medicines. This is because of the high amount of competition in pharma marketing. Many old companies have very old and strong relationships with doctors. And many new pharma franchise companies have strong tie […]
Continue reading...Difference between a Good Pharma PCD companies an excellent Pharma PCD company
Choosing a PCD company can get very confusing. This is because the number of options one has while choosing is too large. Even after short-listing a few good PCD companies who seem to fit your requirements, it is essential to find that excellent pharma pcd company. Here are a few pointers, which might help you […]
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